
Jule 12, 2022



Summer is considered to be the season of light fragrances: heavy compositions in the heat should long ago be attributed to particularly sophisticated tortures. Perhaps they do not provoke a headache for you, but, in addition to it, pungent odors can cause suffocation in asthmatics and allergy sufferers, and in people with an acute sense of smell — dizziness and nausea.

And although rare organizations prescribe the requirements for fragrances in the same way as the requirements for appearance, and at the entrance to the restaurant you are unlikely to be sniffed to understand whether to skip or not, you should approach the choice of summer perfume a little more carefully. In this article we will tell you how to choose a seasonal perfume wardrobe, which notes you need to pay attention to and when complex selective fragrances are appropriate.

"The early bird catches the worm."

Alana Kendall

Getting out of bed early slows down aging

This is confirmed by a study by Carol Mather and her colleagues from the University of South Australia. True, they watched a group of children, but the connection is obvious: if you get up earlier, the body has time to "swing". You manage to get hungry and are unlikely to miss breakfast, which is considered almost the most important meal. Firstly, it allows you to maintain a normal metabolism: if you eat 1-2 times a day, the body digests food more slowly and begins to "accumulate" fat. Secondly, breakfast helps to control hunger and not overeat.

How to get the maximum effect?

If you are used to the fact that your day starts closer to lunch, you should not set the alarm for 5-6 hours at once. Moreover, if it is uncomfortable for you to get up at this time, you feel broken and exhausted instead of cheerful, do not mock the body and do not break the usual biorhythms. It's enough to start waking up at least an hour earlier — everyone can do it. Well, determine what you can devote "extra time" to. If it's social networks and news, it's better to sleep. And we'll throw up a couple of ideas for classes that will really benefit:

If it's social networks and news, it's better to sleep. And we'll throw up a couple of ideas for classes that will really benefit:

1. Start a diary and try to plan the day. You will be able to immediately prioritize, and you will not have to worry about the fact that you forgot about something.

2. Engage in self-development. As we have already written, it is not worth loading the brain with news in the morning: they contain a set of facts, and not always pleasant ones. But to read information on a topic that you have been interested in for a long time, repeat the list of new words if you are learning a foreign language, is useful for neural connections.

3. Sports, sports and more sports. We do not suggest signing up for a healthy lifestyle and starting the day with a full workout in the gym, but exercise or jogging are mandatory components of a proper men's morning. Physical activity has a positive effect on testosterone levels in the blood, improves health and increases self-esteem: it's always nice to know that you're in shape.

4. Start practicing meditation. Someone thinks that this activity is not for men, but try to be a little more progressive in this matter. You will not become less courageous, but regular meditation will help you get rid of anxiety and "unload" your head. To do this, it is not necessary to master complex techniques — just choose your own.

They say that successful people do not lie in bed until lunch, even if they consider themselves real "owls": success loves discipline and those who get up early. Today we talked about the benefits of early recovery and how it affects work and health.